The "What to bring" checklist
- Identification
- You will need TWO forms of
identification, one of them preferably
with a photograph (a state-issued driver's license is works well). You
must satisfy the VEs that your identity is positively established.
- Money
- You will need $14 to
get anything processed. It can be paid by
cash or a certified check/money order. For personal checks we will
require a valid photo ID. We are unable to accept credit
- Paperwork
(if you have a amateur radio license already) - If you are a
holder of a current license and you are planning
to upgrade, you have to
bring the original license and a photocopy,
and whatever current CSCEs you might have, and photocopies of those.
We'll need to match the originals and photocopies at the session, and
then send the photocopies into W5YI-VEC for your new license. For
example, if you are currently a
Technician, and have already passed Element 4 (Extra), but still
need to take Element 3, then you must bring the unexpired Element 4 CSCE (granted within the last 365 days) so
we can issue an Extra certificate if you pass. Also, if you are a
holder of a current or expired license to which the
"grandfather" rules apply, please familiarize yourself with the FCC
regulations in Part 97, Section 505 concerning this (see below), and bring appropriate documentation.
- More
Paperwork (for the FCC this time) - The document which must be
filed with the the testing organization
before your license can be issued is called "NCVEC Form 605".
It is
available from the
site in PDF format. You can get a copy from us at the start of
the session, or you can print it out ahead of time (fill out Section
1 only). It will help us if you use distinctive yellowish-colored
paper stock similar to the original for that one, but we'll take a
plain white one too. Note
that you should
bring the full
Form 605 from the FCC to our session, only the abbreviated NCVEC
version. Please write clearly in ink or type when you fill it out.
The full FCC 605 form must be used if you are filing it directly
with the FCC, without W5YI or other VEC as an intermediary, e.g.
when you are applying for a club callsign or a name change.
(FCC Registration Number)
- The
form requires you to provide your Social Security Number or
the "FRN". If you'd rather not give out the SSN, go to the
FRN registration page (ignore the security certificate warning)
and get the FRN number ahead of the testing session. If you
already have an FRN, then you must use it on form
605 instead of your SSN, or else the application may be rejected. If
you've done any ham-related business with the FCC in the past 5 years
or so, you most likely have an FRN. Look it up on the
licensing page or an
ARRL one.
(From FCC Title 47, Part 97, as of November 18, 2014)
§97.505 Element credit.
(a) The administering VEs must give credit as specified below to an examinee holding any of the following license grants:
Operator class | Unexpired (or within the renewal grace period) | Expired and beyond the renewal grace period |
(1) Amateur Extra | Not applicable | Elements 3 and 4. |
(2) Advanced; General; or Technician granted before March 21, 1987 | Elements 2 and 3 | Element 3. |
(3) Technician Plus; or Technician granted on or after March 21, 1987 | Element 2 | No credit. |
The administering VEs must give credit to an examinee holding a CSCE
for each element the CSCE indicates the examinee passed within the
previous 365 days.
[79 FR 35291, June 20, 2014]